Tuesday, November 26, 2019

America is a democratic nation in an administratio Essays

America is a democratic nation in an administratio Essays America is a democratic nation in an administration with chosen authorities, but throughout history it always hasn't been like that. In the past early civilization, did not always have leaders with great ethics. Most royal Dynasties in the didn't have very long reigns because the distribution of power and many other factors. Democracy is where opportunity, freedom, business, and philanthropy can thrive. This sort of government is the most effective because it gives the people a voice. I do believe that democratic system is the best to have but I also believe that often time we do not take advantages of the opportunities that we must speak out on certain things. A slight flaw in our government is that the say "majority rules." Though that is the goal of our nation often we fall short. But compared to the reign of ancient dynasty I do acknowledge the controlled distribution of powers. Many people fear president elect trump as a president because they feel as though he will do irrational things, but thanks to the checks and balances systems and the constitution he can't just do everything that he pleases because he must undergo certain procedures to get laws past. Also, how the electoral college essentially chooses the president which can be slightly misleading and discouraging to uneducated voters: resulting in the thought that their voice doesn't matter: A majority rule government is by all accounts the most stable type of government yet. One Person does not have complete control one belief system is not esteemed superior to another. Also, if something is not working in our community or society we can change it. On the off chance that majority rule government is to be compelling, the general population must be ready. They should educate themselves on presidential candidates and candidates in the preliminary rounds. They should figure out how to raise their voice against bad form and debasement. Majority rules system is the manager of the general population. Numerous cases of majority rule governments exist on the planet today and the clear majority tend to feel that a nation managed by a vote based system is the most illuminated and great . A benefit of majority rule government is that ideally everybody is dealt with similarly under the steady gaze of the law, regardless of station, doctrine or sex. Everybody is qualified for the right to speak freely, opportunity of love, flexibility of occupation and opportunity to move all through the nation. The pride of man is perceived and regarded. Individuals are sufficiently given chances to advance in life. They clearly have the privilege to vote in favor of their administration so by expansion choosing the approach of their country and what their country ought to resemble. They have more the right to speak freely and expression. Specifically, they can censure their own government. In this manner, it is critical for advancement that the administration be steady. Democracy is better than a dynasty based government because throughout history the dynasties usually were very strong minded and new what they want. The most rulers where strict of religion, they had a very militant lead life they did whatever it took to stay king, most empires got over thrown by other empires or rulers. Decentralization of power became a problem, individuality was a problem, opinions where a problem and adaption to economics was a problem. In these tyrants formed situations there was no room for individualization or advancement. Often people where shunned or tortured for attempting to rebel against the king and most of the time if you were born into poverty it was hard to get out of that class The precariousness of the administration makes the sentiment weakness in the brains of producers and specialists, brokers and customers. Regardless of the private arrangement, the state keeps on checking costs of products and wages of laborers with the goal that they are not misused by the financial players in the market. Looking at the history of the other civilizations you notice that when dynasties where in place leader ship wasn't constant for long. The leaders had too much power. If the imp didn't want to consider anyone else's feelings then they didn't have

Friday, November 22, 2019

Definition and Examples of Multilingualism

Definition and Examples of Multilingualism Multilingualism is the ability of an individual speaker or a community of speakers to communicate effectively in three or more languages. Contrast with monolingualism, the ability to use only one language. A person who can speak multiple languages is known as a polyglot or a multilingual. The original language a person grows up speaking is known as their first language or mother tongue. Someone who is raised speaking two first languages or mother tongues is called a simultaneous bilingual. If they learn a second language later, they are called a sequential bilingual. Examples and Observations Majesty, the Herr Direttore, he has removed uno balletto that would have occurred at this place. - Italian Kapellmeister Bonno in Amadeus Multilingualism as the Norm We estimate that most of the human language users in the world speak more than one language, i.e. they are at least bilingual. In quantitative terms, then, monolingualism may be the exception and multilingualism the norm... - Peter Auer and Li Wei Bilingualism and Multilingualism Current research...begins by emphasizing the quantitative distinction between multilingualism and bilingualism and the greater complexity and diversity of the factors involved in acquisition and use where more than two languages are involved (Cenoz 2000; Hoffmann 2001a; Herdina and Jessner 2002). Thus, it is pointed out that not only do multilinguals have larger overall linguistic repertoires, but the range of the language situations in which multilinguals can participate, making appropriate language choices, is more extensive. Herdina Jessner (2000b:93) refer to this capacity as the multilingual art of balancing communicative requirements with language resources. This wider ability associated with the acquisition of more than two languages has also been argued to distinguish multilinguals in qualitative terms. One . . . qualitative distinction seems to lie in the area of strategies. Kemp (2007), for example, reports that multilingual learners learning strategies differ from those o f monolingual students learning their first foreign language. - Larissa Aronin and David Singleton Are Americans Lazily Monolingual? The celebrated multilingualism of not just Europe but also the rest of the world may be exaggerated. The hand-wringing about America’s supposed linguistic weakness is often accompanied by the claim that monolinguals make up a small worldwide minority. The Oxford linguist Suzanne Romaine has claimed that bilingualism and multilingualism are a normal and unremarkable necessity of everyday life for the majority of the world’s population. - Michael Erard New Multilingualisms [I]n paying attention to the language practices of young people in urban settings, we see new multilingualisms emerging, as the young people create meanings with their diverse linguistic repertoires. We see the young people (and their parents and teachers) using their eclectic array of linguistic resources to create, parody, play, contest, endorse, evaluate, challenge, tease, disrupt, bargain and otherwise negotiate their social worlds. - Adrian Blackledge and Angela Creese Sources Bleichenbacher, Lukas. Multilingualism in the Movies. University of Zurich, 2007.Auer, Peter and Wei, Li. Introduction: Multilingualism as a Problem? Monolingualism as a Problem? Handbook of Multilingualism and Multilingual Communication. Mouton de Gruyter, 2007, Berlin.Aronin, Larissa and Singleton, David. Multilingualism John Benjamins, 2012, Amersterdam.Erard, Michael. Are We Really Monolingual? The New York Times Sunday Review, January 14, 2012.Blackledge, Adrian and Creese, Angela. Multilingualism: A Critical Perspective. Continuum, 2010, London, New York.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Time Back Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Time Back - Essay Example For the rest of the things the inhabitants of Rishyap still have to visit Kalimpong, the nearest town. It was an excursion at that time with friends, exploring the tribes of Himalayas. A group of 45 people who kept the place busy for 7 days. They were young blood that always rushed for adventure at that time, especially when intoxicated by the local beer that contains more alcohol than any other beer of the world. Rishyap was green at that time just like it is now; and the alluring Kanchanjangha, the third highest peak of the world always playing a hide and seek amidst that green and occasional fog. And amidst that hide and seek one day Chimli appeared - Chimli a woman with Mongolian features and a smile that would even bring lightening in a cloudy evening. 20 years is a long time specially to forget someone like Chimli, but the attraction of Kanchanjangha and the serene beauty of Rishyap once again compelled Robin to come here, however this time with his family. Robin has been marri ed to Martha, a doctorate in psychology and has one son, Dave. Robin has availed a package tour that would take him to entire Sikkim and at the end Lava, Lolegaon and Rishyap, his final destintion. From Rishyap they would go to Kolkata and by flight to Mumbai to leave for USA, their country of origin. The evening at Rishyap is enchanting. As one to two and two to three stars appeared in the sky soon to multiply and go uncounted, a fire was set near the hotel to celebrate a campfire in this early January. A local girl was singing a nice tune. Though the words were beyond understanding, yet the tune was heart melting. Robin took a large whisky and a piece of chicken to make the most of this fiery surrounding. Soon a peg became two and two became three. Alcohol often helps to recollect past events especially if they are covered deep under the dust of subsequent events that has followed over the years. It was a similar evening 20 years back. All his friends were having a good time with their booze and getting themselves warm around the fire that was burning beneath the open sky. Chimli was singing a local song and some one was playing a drum like instrument. The environment was cosy and enjoyable. One after another, all his friends moved to their respective rooms when they felt the whisky was becoming too much to bear with. Only Robin sat and Chimli kept on singing. The fire was almost dying and Robin failed to gauge the intensity of the alcohol he was consuming at that time. Soon he realised it was not possible for him to take himself to his room as he was floating in alcohol rather than walking on land. Chimli came to rescue. she held him around his waist and took him to his room. Robin felt the soft touches that were irresistible for someone of his age and especially under booze. The room was dark and while Chimli was trying to put Robin to bed, owing to the weight of Robin and his state they both rolled over the bed. The rest Robin remembers little; just that there was not much resistance from Chimli against whatever had happened and she disappeared in the darkness once it was over. Robin never saw Chimli again, the next day he looked for her but she was nowhere to be seen. Then they left Rishyap and soon Chimli became an event out of intoxication. Robin’s eyelids were now heavy, his hands merely reaching the glass and his feet seemed to be buried into the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Internal Business Process Perspective SLP Essay

The Internal Business Process Perspective SLP - Essay Example In a bid to move towards attaining its vision of being the leading world class financial institution, Octawise Inc. has put in place quality standards that ought to guide its internal operations. This in turn leads to lower complaints and dissonances by the customers, increased satisfaction, growth of the company in the long run and increased return on investment. As spelt out in its strategy, its attainment of market leadership position within business areas, and focus on excellence is enhanced by its efforts to put in place quality standards and measures. (B) Internal Communication Lines: Internal communication structures and processes are of critical importance in the success of any organization. Open communication lines enhance faster permeation of communication, ideas and opinions. Open communication structures also result in little distortion and misinterpretation of communication. Any organization that takes customers to be the center for its success ensures that communication lines and structures support quicker permeation of information through open communication structures, which also support innovation within an organization. Octawise Inc. encourages open communication throughout the company. This portrays Octawise Inc. as receptive to customers’ ideas and easy to work with Organization. Organizations with complex and closed communication lines are perceived by customers as bureaucratic and less receptive to ideas and to a greater extent hinder innovation due to likely blockage of ideas. (C) Employment and Recruitment Processes: It means little to have excellent communication lines and standards and yet have a leaking employment and recruitment process and structures which results in having wrong people in the organization. Whitwood (2011) identifies the significance of indirect processes (recruitment and placement processes) in supporting direct operations performance. Octawise Inc. has all its stages of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Why and to what extent have conservatives Essay Example for Free

Why and to what extent have conservatives Essay Why and to what extent, have conservatives supported One Nation principles? [45] One nation conservatism stems from the paternalistic branch of conservatives and thus has a bias towards principles such as social duty and moral obligation, specifically the obligation of the better-off in society to support or aid the less well-off, reflecting Disraelis desire to prevent the UK becoming two nations; the haves and the have nots. This essay will argue that there is support for One Nation principles throughout the many traditions within conservatism but that there is significant opposition to some One Nation principles also. One principle in which there is support for by some conservatives is pragmatism. The basis for pragmatism in One Nationism is reflected in a fear of revolution, stemming from ever widening social inequality. Disraeli feared that social inequality was the seed of revolution and thus aimed to improve the conditions of the less well-off in society so as to keep them content with their living standards. However it is important to note that these improvements are limited to the desire to ensure that the poor no longer pose a threat to established order. This pragmatic approach to politics and social policy is reflected in Burkes statement that a state without the means of some change is without the means of its conservatism. The conservative New Right have accepted pragmatism, evident in modern times where the Conservative party under Cameron has kept many social security and welfare programs running in the UK. By tradition, conservatives have had a tendency to be empirical in nature. Empiricism refers to the use of the knowledge derived from the past in remaining pragmatic in solving current political problems. The empirical nature of conservatives is evident in Burkes assertion that no generation should ever be so harsh as to consider itself superior to its predecessor. Thus, One Nation conservatism may been favourable to some conservatives since a paternalistic body with links to the past can uphold the workings of the past which have responded well for several hundred years. The paternalistic bodies of authority in One Nation conservatives will uphold the famous conservative phrase that if it aint broke, dont fix it, thus showing clear compatibilities with other forms of conservatism. One Nationism also supports the principle of hierarchy in society as they believe it to be both natural and inevitable. Their firm attachment to a society structured by an inevitable hierarch derives from the innate roles in the family, where the father is to be the head of the household and his family to whom which he will provide for are his subordinates. It follows that this view on hierarchy compliments authoritarianism which is evident throughout both traditional conservatism and neoconservatism. The former tradition also views hierarchy as natural and uses the image of the father as the head of the family, as the right to exercise power from above. The latter highlights the significance of a hierarchy as to the maintenance of security, such as that knowing where you stand in society, or in a social group. They believe that this security is provided by the father of the family via means of strong paternalistic curtailment of liberty. As this view of hierarchy leads itself to authoritarian views, Libertarians strongly disagree with the principle. They believe that government should have the least possible regulation on social life. Thus they view the positive curtailment of liberty to be a violation and believe that negative liberty has priority over all forms of authority, tradition and equality. From the view that the father is the provider in a family, One Nationism has constructed its approach to social policy. Disraeli was a supporter of noblesse oblige, that is, the price paid in return for operating authority as a government as the political obligations of the state to maintain a stable society and economy. The principled basis for One Nationism is that the rich have a moral obligation to help the poor, as the positions of both are largely based on the accident of birth which is supported by Rawls notion of brute luck. Duty is therefore the price of privilege and those who are privileged must shoulder the burden of those who are not. This view has been supported by Social conservatives who have kept to the Labour policies of for instance providing a wide range of choice in the provision of education and the NHS. However these views are not accepted by other forms of conservatism such as the liberal New Right, who see the social reforms and policies as creating a culture of dependency which may lead to the breakup of the nuclear family, as the father is no longer the provider. One Nation conservatives also support the idea of planned capitalism. This is a pragmatic rejection of the laissez faire approach to the economy mainly because of the crisis of the Depression of the 1920s. This middle-way economics aimed to keep some aspects of a free market but couple them with social and welfare policies funded by government. They believed that the state had an obligation to intervene in the economy to provide welfare services to prevent abject poverty. This is somewhat supported by Christian conservatives who aim to help the needy in society. There is also further support of compassionate conservativism since the 1980s and a shift away from market fundamentalism. However there is further disagreement with neoliberalism as they disagree in state intervention in social or economic policy and are not attuned to the view of the deserving poor. In conclusion, it is evident that there is agreement between conservatism and One Nation principles on matters such as hierarchy but the extent to which depends on how the view is portrayed. Different traditions view the principles in different lights and thus have different outcomes regarding the principle. It is also evident that One Nationism shares many similarities with the conservative New Right but finds itself largely at opposition with neoliberal viewpoints. Thus, One Nation conservatism has tended to find support due to its emphasis on empiricism, natural inequality, tradition and the organic society. The overall conservative support towards One Nation notions is to a large throughout traditional forms, and is limited when theories of neoliberalism develop.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Star Wars as Church History Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Paper

Star Wars as Church History Koenrad Kuiper, writing in the Journal of Popular Culture in the mid 1980s suggests that "[the] Star Wars trilogy creates and recreates imperial myths which serve to sustain imperial culture" (77). He goes on to contend that the Empire of George Lucas’s long ago and far away world recreate these myths for us now as, essentially, a form of social control. Since Kuiper was writing, however, we have been graced with the first in the Star Wars series, The Phantom Menace. The Phantom Menace has opened to tepid reviews and the expected box-office success. Its staying-power has been perhaps a bit disappointing for all at Lucasfilm, but the film has definitely made a cultural impact. Interesting in light of Kuiper’s thesis is that this latest addition to the Star Wars mythology concerns itself with two beginnings: the beginning of the evil Empire of the other three movies, and the beginning of Anakin Skywalker, father to Luke Skywalker and the future Darth Vader. The genesis of both the Empire and Darth Vader in one film is more than coincidence. Rather than Star Wars sustaining an imperial myth, the new film argues for an interpretation that the series, taken as a whole, represents an intricate commentary on the history of Christianity, from its pure beginnings to its ultimate corruption as a quasi-political entity controlling much of Europe. The first and most striking suggestion of this is the fact that Anakin Skywalker’s is a virgin birth. When Qui Gon Jinn, the Jedi master who trains Obi-Wan Kenobi, asks Anakin’s mother who the young prodigy’s father is, she responds: "There is no father." Young Skywalker is later described by Jinn as a "virgence": a virgin birth. The conclusion that ... ...ica: is there reason to believe that the Religious Right will become that new Empire? Will the new war for liberation be right now in a galaxy quite close to home? Addendum It has been brought to my attention by many an astute reader that Darth Maul should more accurately symbolize King Herod. They are correct, of course--an oversight I should've caught. I appreciate the input, and should take the opportunity to note that the Darth Maul/Herod connection still works symbolically, representing the pathway toward an institutionalized and therefore corrupt Christianity. Works Cited Kuiper, Koenraad. "Star Wars: An Imperial Myth." Journal of Popular Culture 21.2 (Spring) 1988. 77-86. Lucas, George. The Empire Strikes Back. Lucasfilm Ltd. 1980 —The Phantom Menace. Lucas. 1999. —Return of the Jedi. Lucas. 1983. —Star Wars. Lucas. 1977.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Contradictions on the “Tell-Tale Heart’ by Edgar Allen Poe Essay

 §One contradiction that the perceptive reader catches is the following. The narrator first tells us that he spies on the old man at night. He eerily stares at the old man while he sleeps: â€Å"It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him as he lay upon his bed† (Poe 291). This clearly implies that the narrator can see his future victim: â€Å"I could see him as he lay upon his bed.† But then the narrator tells us that although the victim awakes startled, the narrator simply stood his ground in the doorway since â€Å"His room was as black as pitch with the thick darkness†¦and so I knew that he could not see the opening of the door†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Poe 292). This implies that the room and hallway are pitch black, which means that neither the victim nor the predator can see anything – without light. So the narrator can both see and not see his victim. This carefully concealed contradiction shows that the narration itself is unstable, just as the narrator’s mind is.  §Another contradiction can be found in the second paragraph of the story. The narrator says, â€Å"It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain† (Poe 290). This suggests that the narrator was clueless as to how he thought up of the idea of killing the old man. It is saying that it was not his decision, and implying that he was never thinking about it. Later in the paragraph though, he says â€Å"by degrees–very gradually–[he] made up [his] mind to take the life of the old man† (Poe 290). This contradicts the previous quote. First, he says that it was not his decision, but in the latter quote, the narrator tells the audience that â€Å"[he] made up [his] mind to take the life of the old man.† Surely, even the narrator himself was confused.  §The narrator says that when he was spying on the old man, he â€Å"thrust in [his] head† (Poe 291). By definition, thrust means to push or drive quickly and forcibly. The reader gets an image of the narrator passing through the threshold abruptly. For â€Å"cunningly [he] thrust it in† (Poe 291). The next line contradicts this statement for he says he â€Å"moved it slowly–very, very slowly, so that [he] might not disturb the old man’s sleep† (Poe 291). Now, the reader sees an image of the narrator peeking through gradually and quietly, so that the waking of the old man could be avoided. In fact, he did  it so slowly that â€Å"it took [him] an hour to place [his] whole head within the opening† (Poe 291). Taking an hour to put a head through a doorway truly is a long time, indicating that he could not have thrust his head through the doorway. Thrusting his head in to spy on the old man and doing it â€Å"very, very slowly† very m uch contradicts each other.  §The narrator describes what the old man is feeling and thinking of when he was startled at the eighth night. â€Å"His fears had been ever since growing upon him† (Poe 292). One can picture the old man very afraid, not knowing what to do. Contrastingly, the narrator says that the old man â€Å"had been saying to himself–‘It is nothing but the wind in the chimney–it is only a mouse crossing the floor†¦it is merely a cricket which has made a single chirp'† (Poe 292). It seems as if the old man is saying this with confidence, and without fear. This implies that the old man is not scared at all. He does not even worry for he believes that it is nothing but merely a noise created by nature. Additionally, the narrator says that the old man â€Å"had been trying to comfort himself with these suppositions† (Poe 292). Now, the narrator goes back in saying that the old man is in fact scared, for he is trying to find comfort. The narrator basica lly said that the old man is scared, then not scared, and finally, scared again.  §The narrator speaks of the eye of the old man that bothered him. He describes it as â€Å"a dull blue, with a hideous veil over it† (Poe 293). He describes it as if it is something weak, without strength, for it cannot even tell when a beam of light is on it, as the narrator did every night, for eight consecutive nights. Near the end of the story, the narrator says that it is something else, again a contradiction. â€Å"No human eye–not even his–could have detected any thing wrong† (Poe 294). This indicated that there is a power that the eye possesses. If a normal human eye, already with great â€Å"power,† could not detect anything wrong, surely a dull eye with â€Å"a hideous veil over it† cannot do any better. The narrator though gives power to the eye because he puts the old man’s eye in a higher position than that of a normal human eye. Even the emphasis on the word â€Å"his† through the means of italics says that the narrator is saying that the eye holds power. Irrational human drives such as obsession, paranoia, the desire to destroy and other mental psychoses such as these cannot be rationally explained. It is quite complicated and even an in depth analysis of these themes is close to impossible. One cannot really explain someone’s obsession, simply because no one knows what is actually going on in the obsessed mind, other than the obsessed himself. It is unlikely that I would be able to explain the very brain activity of the obsessed. Even if I ask questions or experiment on him, I would not be able to comprehend it all. Similarly, attempts of discovering the foundation of paranoia are difficult. Perhaps it is the many factors that contribute to this. In the end, it all leads to in depth analysis that would only uncover irrational and illogical reasons as to how one became paranoid, as it also is with how one became obsessed. The narrator of the story attempts to redeem himself by saying that he is not a madman. In explaining everything, he believes that he is in fact rational. The story, though, full of contradictions, proves that the narrator is unstable, and all the explanations in the world could not unravel the mysteries of obsession and paranoia.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

McDonalds Corporation Essay

McDonalds Corporation is the world’s number 1 fast food chain, Richard and Maurice McDonald started this business with a restaurant in San Bernardino California in 1940. Now a days McDonalds serves more than 56 million customers every day. There are more than 30,000 restaurants operated by McDonalds worldwide in which more than 80% are operated as a franchise and less than 20% are owned by company. McDonald’s main selling products are hamburgers, cheeseburgers, double cheeseburgers, big Mac burgers, quarter pond burgers, tasty burgers and mc flurry’s Company profile McDonalds is the words largest fast food corporation, serving more than 57 million people in 119 countries daily with more than 31,000 restaurants worldwide in which 6,899 are owned by company and 20,499 are operated as franchise and 3,960 are operated by affiliates.Andrew j. McKenna is the chairman of McDonalds Corporation since April 2004, Aprill Harrell Perrine president of blur cross and blue shield of Florida, Jim Dalton vice president of the Dalton agency, Ryan Schwartz the treasurer of Zurich insurances,inc. bill van zante the secretary of McDonalds.â€Å"The corporation revenues come from the rent, royalties and fees paid by franchises, McDonalds revenues grew 27% over 3 years ending in 2007 22.8 billion and 9% growth in operating income to 3.9 billion†. History of Mc. Donalds ‘I m Loving it’ is a tagline known to every segment of the market, from kids and youngsters to the elderly people. McDonalds is a global foodservice industry, which began its operations in the 1940’s. The concept of McDonalds was introduced by Dick and Maurice McDonald, by opening a ‘hamburger stall’ in San Bernardino, California. They introduced an idea of selling their food cheaper than competitors by persuading customers to go to a counter to order their food. This concept helped in faster turnaround of the customers. This innovation proved successful and popular among the customers. They focused on burger cooking as a production line. The staff of McDonalds were committed to one task at a time. When Mr. Ray Kroc came across a McDonalds burger, he had never seen so many people served so quickly. He was quite impressed by the speed of service that they used in catering their customers. Kroc suggested that open more outlets of their stall, but they refused as they were quite busy with their own store and were not in a position to open any other store. Kroc volunteered to run a new outlet himself, by paying them royalties for using their concept of business. The McDonald brothers agreed and a new McDonalds retail outlet was opened, which was a franchisee. Kroc was a person with aggressive and risk taking attitude. He realized that small things were often valued more by customers than some of other things. He introduced a concept of Cleanliness in his store. He termed cleanliness not only a symbol of hygiene but it also showed its customers that the business cared about details. He started growing his business and started giving franchises to other people. With the help of Ted Turner, Kroc visioned that the key success of McDonald’s expansion was to offer franchises. The major domestic growth of McDonald’s in USA began in 1960’s, as there was a demand of cheap takeaway food. Through the franchise concept, McDonald’s made a move toward worldwide success. Today the Company operates in more than 117 countries worldwide, serving more than 50 million customers per day. The company’s retail outlets are either owned by the company or by franchisees. The company focuses on delivering high quality and value to its customers through its services, product range and constant quality check of its products The Success Factors How did the chain grow from a single restaurant into the massive corporation it is today? There are three characteristics that stand out about the success of McDonald’s: consistency, innovation and resiliency. Consistency It doesn’t matter if you’re visiting a McDonald’s in South Africa or Zimbabwe, you’re going to have a similar experience wherever you are. This highlights Ray Kroc’s vision for McDonald’s from the beginning. â€Å"Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value† was Kroc’s motto. His belief in this motto was so strong he went on to found a training school. Consistency, of course, is the key factor in any franchise Customers know what to expect and can take comfort in that knowledge when making a decision on where to eat. McDonald’s success came from customers expectations of producing food at a quick pace. Innovation You can tweak your product without causing disruptions, and potentially better serve your customers. Innovation comes from responsiveness to customers needs or wants. For example, in 1975 a group of potential McDonald’s customers had a problem: at that time, soldiers in a certain places weren’t allowed to get out of their cars while wearing their uniforms. After learning this problem, McDonald’s came up with a solution: add a drive-thru. Resiliency Many of the challenges McDonald’s has faced over the years are related to health concerns, particularly related to children. In response to these concerns, McDonald’s formed the Global Advisory Council (GAC) in 2004. The GAC is an international team of independent experts assembled by McDonald’s to provide us with professional guidance in the areas of nutrition and children’s well-being. In spite of these controversies, McDonald’s ranked in the top 10 overall, and number one in food services, in CNNMoney.com’s survey of the World’s Most Admired Companies for 2011. Mission & Values McDonald’s brand mission is to be the customers favourite place, way to eat and drink. Their worldwide operations are aligned around a global strategy called the Plan to Win, that centres on an amazing customer experience – People, Products, Place, Price and Promotion. They are committed to continuously improving their operations and enhancing their customers experience. McDonald’s Values †¢They place the customer experience at the core of all that they do. †¢They are committed to their people. †¢They believe in the McDonald’s System. †¢They operate their business ethically. †¢They give back to their communities. †¢They grow their business profitably. †¢They strive continually to improve. Sustainability From the start, they’ve been committed to doing the right thing. Their sustainability efforts ensure that their business practices and policies continue their rich heritage of making a positive impact on society. McDonald’s footprint is significant. So too are the opportunities and expectations. With approximately 1.8 million employees working for McDonald’s and over 5,000 franchisees, thousands of committed suppliers and the more than 69 million customers who visit us every single day in 119 countries, we can use our scale, scope and talent to make a positive difference in the world. Together for good.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

USA Presidents essays

USA Presidents essays In the long history of the United States of America, there have been several amounted president in charge of our great nation. 43 Presidents to be exact. Each a very likely and very different individual, but all interesting. Weve had from the most interesting, controversial and bold to the most boring and disgusting figures out there. Some can be described in elaborate essays and books meanwhile others can be justified in one term, but none the less all were interesting figures and led important roles in running our country. Therefore they should be accredited for the success of our great nation. Some produced great and admiral things that we still thrive on today, and other simply left things to fix and learn from their successors. Out of all 43 Presidents I had to choose but two. One for the worse and the other for the best of all time. The best president in my opinion was George Washington our very first president. Washington was born February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He was unanimously elected the first president, Washington was inaugurated in New York City on April 30, 1789. He labored constantly to keep people of all classes at work for the cause. He held a central position between two extremes. He strove to retain the support of the common people, who made up the army andas farmers and workersproduced the supplies. Before his presidency he was a general who led his diminished troops to several unlikely victories over the British. His commanding tactics led to the victory and success of the revolution and the strive for independence. Realizing from his knowledge of the American people and of the way they lived and fought, Washington took advantage of British methods of fighting that were not suited to a semi primitive environment. He alternated between daring surprise attacks and the patient performance of routine duties. As commander in chief during the American Re ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Choose an Online High School

How to Choose an Online High School Choosing an online high school is a challenge. Parents need to find a virtual program that offers an accredited diploma and provides academic support for students, all without breaking the bank. Asking the right questions will help you find the online high school that best meets your needs. Here are twelve of the most important questions to consider: What type of online high school is this? There are four types of online high schools: private schools, public schools, charter schools, and university-sponsored schools. Being familiar with these school types will help you sort through your options. Who accredits this school? An online high school that is regionally accredited will have the widest acceptance. Diplomas and credits from regionally accredited schools are generally accepted by colleges and secondary schools. Some colleges and high schools may also accept national accreditation. Keep an eye out for unaccredited and diploma mill schools – these programs will take your money, leaving you with an inferior education and a worthless diploma. What curriculum is used? Your online high school should have a time-tested curriculum that meets your child’s academic needs (remedial, gifted, etc). Ask about additional programs such as special education, college prep, or advanced placement. What training and qualificatio ns do the teachers have? Be wary of online high schools that hire teachers without a college diploma or teaching experience. Teachers should be credentialed, know how to work with teenagers, and be comfortable with computers. How long has this online school existed? Online schools come and go. Choosing a school that has been around for longer can help you avoid the trouble of trying to transfer schools at a later date. What percent of students graduate? You can learn a lot by an online high school’s graduation track record. If a large percentage of students drop out, you may want to reconsider. Be aware that certain types of schools (such as academic recovery programs) will always have a smaller number of graduates. How many students go on to college? If college is important to you, choose an online high school that sends a lot of its graduates to college. Be sure to ask about services such as college counseling, SAT preparation, and admissions essay assistance. What expenses can be expected? Most private schools charge tuition by the semester. Public programs may provide classes free of charge, but require parents to pay for expenses such as computers, software, and internet connections. Ask abou t additional charges for curriculum, technology fees, graduation fees, and all other expenses. Also, ask about discounts, scholarships, and payment programs. How many students does each teacher work with? If a teacher is assigned too many students, he may not have time for one-on-one help. Find out what the student-teacher ratio is for most classes and ask if there is a better ratio for essential subject such as math and English. What additional help is available for struggling students? If your child is struggling, you need to know that help is available. Ask about tutoring and individual assistance. Is there any extra charge for additional help? What distance learning format is used? Some online high schools require students to work independently and turn in assignments by email. Other programs have virtual â€Å"classrooms† that allow students to interact with teachers and peers. Are any extracurricular activities offered? Find out if there are any clubs or social events available to students. Some schools offer extracurricular virtual programs that engage students and look good on a resume. In addition to these twelve basic questions, be sure to ask about any further concerns you may have. If your child has special needs or an unusual schedule, ask how the school will be able to accommodate these issues. Taking the time to interview online high schools can be a hassle. But, enrolling your child in the best possible program is always worth it.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Major Depressive Disorder Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Major Depressive Disorder - Case Study Example She feels worse in the mornings, guilty and hopeless, with suicidal ideation and has developed increased psychomotor retardation. She thinks she is ruining her family, who would be better off without her. These signs and symptoms indicate that she has Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), as defined by criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, text revision (DSM-IV-TR) (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000). The criteria state that more than one important aspect of MDD, such as sustained depressed mood, anergia, anhedonia, disturbed appetite and sleep, psychomotor retardation, suicidal thought, negative thought, hopelessness, or poor concentration, should be present for no less than two weeks and not related to somatic effects, caused by substance abuse or adverse reactions to medication. Depression is the most widespread disorder in relation to mental health. According to World Health Organisation [WHO] (2001), people suffering from depression account for 5 to 10% of the population. The 'Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health' survey (AIHW, 2007) reported that it accounted for 33.7% of mental health disorders managed by general practitioners in Australia in 2003-04. Most studies show that the development of MDD has a higher incidence in females than males in their life time, being found in females twice as much as in males (APA, 2000; Varcarolis, 2006, pp.326-327; WHO, 2001). Typically, MDD is more likely to occur in females aged between 20 and 40 years old (WHO, 2001). Causes assumed include responsibilities of multi-tasking, for instance, domestic and office work, wife and parenting roles, or the menses might contribute to the prominent prevalence of depression in females (APA, 2000; WHO, 2001). However, race, earnings, education or matrimony are not related to the frequency of MDD (APA, 2000; Varcarolis, 2002. p.454; WHO, 2001). 2. Pathophysiology of depression: Depression arises due to multifactorial causes, including biochemical, cognitive, hereditary and environmental factors, and sleep abnormalities (Varcarolis, 2002, pp.456-460; Varcarolis, 2006, pp.330-333). In Isabel's case, a reasonable assumption would be that the major pathophysiologic causes might be biochemical, cognitive factors, and sleep abnormality. There are many studies to indicate that biochemical imbalance can cause depressive disorders, in relation to certain neurotransmitters, mainly serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine in the brain, which are known to play a role in the regulation of mood (Varcarolis, 2002, pp.456-460; Varcarolis, 2006, pp.330-333). The dysfunctional regulation of serotonin is related to decreased sex drive, appetite and sleep disturbance, as serotonin is particularly important in controlling sleep, appetite and sexual drive (Varcarolis, 2006, p.331; Zarate & Charney, 2003, pp.464-468). Reduction of noradrenaline can lead to loss of energy, interest, concentration, and decreased sexual drive (Varcarolis et al., 2006, pp.460-464; Zarate & Charney, 2003, p.464-468). The depletion of dopamine can be associated with loss of motivation and interest, because it contributes to the stimulation of the system of circuits of motivational behaviour in